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   2020-03-14 全球微商网微商网1200
核心提示:类型:双踪示波器 品牌:其他 型号: 通道数:4 带宽: 系列: 采样率: 记录长度: 波形捕获率: 外形尺寸: 重量: 加工定制: 规格:加速度计sf1500
  • 类型:双踪示波器
  • 品牌:其他
  • 型号:
  • 通道数:4
  • 带宽:
  • 系列:
  • 采样率:
  • 记录长度:
  • 波形捕获率:
  • 外形尺寸:
  • 重量:
  • 加工定制:
  • 规格:

加速度计sf1500s features applications
three axis output seismic sensing earthquake detection
best in class noise level of 300ngrms/√hz geophysics
wide dynamic range of 120db? (100hz bw) homeland and border security
± 3g full scale structural monitoring
dc to 1000hz frequency response strong motion
analog servo accelerometer railway technology
description the siflextm accelerometer has been designed and developed by colibrys inc. for “strong motion” seismic sensing applications. this mems capacitive product is the best in class “digital geophone”, largely used for seismic and vibration sensing when extreme low noise measurement is required. features such as wide dynamic range, excellent bandwidth, low distortion, high shock tolerance, and thermal stability make it ideal for applications such as earthquake and seismology measurements, homeland and border security or structure monitoring. used as a tilt sensor, it also provides a very high resolution of measurement.? the sf3000l is a three axis combination of sf1500s accelerometer that operates from a bipolar power supply voltage that can range from ± 6v to ± 15v with a typical current consumption of 36ma at ± 6v.? the linear full acceleration range is ± 3g with a corresponding sensitivity of 1.2v/g. the frequency response over the full scale range is dc to >1000hz .

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